Welcome back to Pedmore! Here we are, ready to embark on another exciting year. Classrooms are once again filled with the excitement and buzz of children!
The return to school after the summer holiday has been good; it is great to see how quickly our children have settled back into their routines, meeting up with friends and embracing new challenges.
We would like to welcome our new children and families into school and hope they have a wonderful, rewarding time at Pedmore. Your continued support and partnership are invaluable as we strive to provide the best possible experience for our children.
Here’s to a great year ahead!
Message from St Peter’s Church – Autumn Services & Events
Dear Young Families at St Peter’s
We hope you are well and have enjoyed the summer holidays.
The Children & Young Families Team have planned services and events during Autumn right up to Christmas.
Details of each service or event will be sent as the time approaches but in the meantime you may wish to make a note of the dates in your diaries.
St Peter’s Toddler Club (Saplings) will start again on Monday 9th September at 9am and will happen every Monday during term time. We look forward to welcoming you at St Peter’s Centre and please mention us to your friends. There will be lots of toys, crafts, a story and the best coffee and refreshments.
Sunday 22nd September 3pm in St Peter’s Church – Pet Service for all ages and pets
Sunday 29th September 10.30am – A Musical Family Service with the theme of Noah
Sunday 6th October 10.30am in Church – Harvest Festival
Sunday 27th October 10.30am – A Musical Family Service in Church
Sunday 3rd November 3pm – Sparkling Messy Church in St Peter’s Centre
Sunday 1st December 3pm – Messy Christmas in St Peter’s Centre
Sunday 15th December 10.30am – Christingle Service in Church
Christmas Eve – Our popular Crib Service 4.30pm in Church
Best Wishes
The Children & Young Families Team
Book Review
Inspired by his big sister, Arjan has done a little report on a lovely book he’s been reading over these last few months.
Dudley Parent Carer Forum Annual Survey of SEND services 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
Could you please spare a few moments to complete the attached survey? Your child does not need to have an EHCP, Learning Plan or even be receiving any additional support. The more responses we get back the more responsive we can be to meeting the needs of our families
We are thrilled to officially welcome Jessons Primary School to Elements Diocesan Learning Trust! It is an exciting time for all the schools in our Trust as we welcome them into our family and look forward to working together. Jessons School becomes the fifth member of our Trust, joining us in our shared mission to ensure the life chances and educational achievements of all children in our schools are great because they ‘flourish in the love of God’ through being a part of our strong trust.
By working together, as a large family of schools, we can achieve and offer so much more for every child than if we work alone. Throughout the coming year, we have a wide range of collaborative opportunities planned which will continue to open up exciting new avenues for academic development, extracurricular activities, and community engagement for children and staff across all of our schools.
As we embark on this new school year together with our partner schools, we are filled with hope and enthusiasm for the future. Together, as part of the Elements Diocesan Learning Trust, we will continue to foster a communities rooted in love, hope, aspiration, respect and living well together.
You can find out more about the Trust on our website: www.edlt.org
As you are aware, there is a much stricter focus on attendance for all schools. More information can be found on the school website. There is a new absence request for too that can be found here as well.
This week’s attendance:
Whole School – 97.45%
Reception – 94.33%
Year 1 – 100%
Year 2 – 98%
Year 3 – 98.71%
Year 4 – 97.58%
Year 5 – 100%
Year 6 – 93.82%
Link to Meet the Teacher PowerPoints
If you were unable to attend our recent Meet the Teacher meetings, the PowerPoints can be found here.
Fund Raising Sale
We are raising money for the Hedgehog Preservation Society. A hedgehog stumbled into forest school quite injured. We were very sad when he died and now we want to help hedgehogs. We will be selling hedgehog stuff from 50p to £2 on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. We have around 20 different items which are all homemade. We will be giving away free bookmarks with each purchase. We hope you can contribute to saving the hedgehogs.
Year 5 Hedgehog Team
Forest School Donation
Forest school is an important part of Pedmore’s ongoing curriculum. We have had forest school provision at Pedmore for many years and want to continue going forward. Last year, for the first time, we had to ask for parental donations in order to keep the provision going. Thank you to all who contributed. We will be asking for your help and support again this year; you will receive aa ParentMail soon. Please consider supporting this fantastic experience for your child.
Forest School
Year 1 have kicked off the new academic year in Forest school and it certainly felt like Autumn had arrived.
We had a great time recalling the rules and getting stuck in playing in the woods.
The children made toffee apple lollies on the fire and enjoyed hot chocolate around the fire whilst I told them the story of How Friendship Started in The Birds. A great tale about gratitude and we shared how we feel grateful for our friends. It was so lovely to hear the children tell each other what they mean to each other!
Outside if school hours, I run lots of sessions for children and adults. In October half term I have a family Halloween session on 31st October.
And on 20th October, I have an Autumn Chill event for adults, where we will be enjoying a sound bath, making copper jewellery, yoga and nature journalling as well enjoying some wholesome food on the fire.
Please see the posters for more detail and to book follow this link
Half term is here! I hope you all have a good half-term break; see you when we come back. Attendance (this half term) Whole School - 96.08% Year 2 - 98.58% Year 5 - 96.91% Year 3 - 96.83% Year 1 - 96.42% Year 4 - 95.79% Year 6 - 94.95% Reception - 93.15% SEND...
It's been a couple of weeks since the last update, in part due to the fact the website locked up last week and wouldn't let me in! Hopefully all sorted now though. Lots to catch. p on this week, so have a good read of everything below. Have a good weekend. World...
Happy New Year! Seems a bit late to be saying that now seeing as we're half way through January...I hope you all had a great break over the Christmas holiday. Children have come back to school and thrown themselves back into their learning which is great to see. We...