“Love one annother, as I have loved you.” John 13:34


Hagley Road, Pedmore,
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 0RH

Head Teacher

Mr D. Dunn
01384 818955

New Parents – A Look Around
"Love one another, as I have loved you." John 13:34

Welcome to Pedmore!

We are delighted that you are considering Pedmore Church of England Primary School as a school for your child.

On this page you will find a copy of the current school handbook and some frequently asked questions. You can get in touch through the contact page if you have anything further you would like to ask.

School Handbook

Reception Handbook 2024


What Does It Mean To Be A Church School?

The Church of England became involved in the building of schools when there was no state school system in place.

You do not have to belong to any religion, Christian or otherwise, to be offered a place at Pedmore CE Primary School. We have families attending school from all religions and none.

Our vision and our values, which you can read more about here, are fundamental to our daily lives in school.

Who Do We Contact If We Are Worried?

If you have any concerns about a child’s safety, you can contact one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads. You can find the details of who they are, and more information about safeguarding, here.

More general worries or concerns can normally be resolved by an chat with your child’s class teaecher. If you call the school office, they will arrange a mutually convenient time for a member of staff to give you a call back.

Where Do I Find Out About Times For The School Day?

Details about the school day, including timings and where to drop off and collect your child, can be found in the school handbook which is above on this page.

What Do I Do If My Child Is Late?

If you arrive at school after the school day has already started, please report to the school office. An adult must sign yyour child into school as they may have missed registration in class.

What Do I Do If My Child Is Being Collected By Someone Else?

We will not allow your child to go home with someone we don’t know, unless you tell us otherwise. You can do this by calling the school office and letting us know the name of the person collecting your child. This needs to be done before collection time.

What Do I Do If My Child Is Ill?

On the first day of absence, please call the school office to let us know your child is ill. Further contact with yourself will be required if your child is off school for a number of days.

What If My Child Has Additional Needs?

Every child at Pedmore is treated as an individual, and any additional support they may need, for a number of reasons, is provided on an individual basis.

This is taken in conjunction with you, as parents, and we decide what is the best way forward for your child.

What Are Home Learning Expectations?

At Pedmore, we believe that ‘homework’ has little benefit in accelerating children’s learning. We really value the relationship between home and school and we ask that you help us by doing certain things with your child at home. the main one being reading. We would love you to read with your child every day, but as a minimum 3 times per week.

In addition to this, we may ask you to learn times tables with your child, or have a go at completeing a mini ‘project’ based on what your child is learning in class. As your child continues through KS2, written homework may start to be included more in order to get them ready for what is expected at Secondary school.

Can My Child Have A Hot Lunch?

Our school lunches are provided by Alliance in Partnership (AiP).

Meals are ordered online in advance so you know what your child will be getting for their lunch each day.

Each meal is nutritiionally balanced and every day there is a meat option, a vegetarian option, a jacket potato option and sandwich options.

If your child is in Reception or KS1 they are entitiled to a school meal each day provided by school.

Do You Have A Breakfast/After School Club?

Yes we do. For more information see here.

Do You Have Any Extra-Curricular Clubs?

We run a range of extra-curricular clubs throught the school year, for different groups of children at different times in the year.

These include a range of sports clubs and activity clubs.