“Love one annother, as I have loved you.” John 13:34


Hagley Road, Pedmore,
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 0RH

Head Teacher

Mr D. Dunn
01384 818955

"Love one another, as I have loved you." John 13:34

Should the applications received exceed the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order given:

· First priority for admission shall be given to ‘relevant looked after children’

· Children who have a brother or sister, half-brother or sister, step-brother or sister, living at the same address, who is already at the school and who will still be attending at the time of entry

· Children who live closest to school, determined by measurement (in a straight line) from the home address to the main entrance of the school

For details of our admissions policy please download the full document below.

In year school admissions are co-ordinated by Dudley Local Authority. If you would like to apply for a school place at Pedmore CE Primary School please contact Dudley School Admissions for an application form on 0300 555 2345 further information is available at https://www.dudley.gov.uk/residents/learning-and-school/school-information/school- admissions/changing-schools/