“Learning Together with HAPPINESS, RESPECT, TRUST and COMPASSION.”


Hagley Road, Pedmore,
Stourbridge, West Midlands, DY9 0RH

Head Teacher

Mr D. Dunn
01384 818955

Governing Body
"Love one another, as I have loved you." John 13:34

Local School Board

Since 1st November 2022, Pedmore CE Primary School has been a part of Elements Diocesan Multi Academy Trust. The governing body has remained in place and is now referred to as the local school board.


The Constitution is as follows:
  • 12 members comprising – Headteacher, Foundation Governors, P.C.C. Governors, Staff Governor, Co-Opted Governor, 2 x Parent Governors 
    The Local School Board has three main functions:
    • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.
    • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
    • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction.
    • The day to day running of the schools remains the responsibility of the Executive Headteacher and her Leadership teams.

    The new Governing Board is committed to working with the entire school community in order to provide a coherent and ambitious learning journey for all our children.

    Governor Type Name Committee Interests

    Term of Office


    Chair Mr Peter Yates 06/10/2015 – 03/07/2026
    Vice-Chair Mr Phil Raybould 21/03/2017 – 20/11/2026
    Ex-officio Mr David Nichol 26/11/2019 – 25/11/2023
    Foundation Mrs Judith Perera 01/09/2006 – 19/10/2026
    Foundation Mrs Laura Elks
    P.C.C. Mrs Isobel Reason 01/01/2009 – 14/01/2025
    P.C.C. Mrs Sue Yarwood-Smith 01/09/2001 – 31/08/2025
    P.C.C. Mrs Jane Bradbury
    Head Teacher Mr David Dunn
    Parent Mrs Helen Glover 15/12/2019 – 14/12/2023
    Parent Miss Victoria Saunders
    Staff To Be Appointed