What a couple of weeks! Incredibly busy in school with lots going on…and, of course, there is a build-up towards Christmas! Where has that time gone…? I hope you are all well and enjoying the Autumnal weather. Lots to tell you about this week, so sit down with a cuppa and read on. See you all next week.
Diwali Celebrations
Thank you to everyone who took part in the Diwali competition over half term…it was wonderful to see so many children bringing things that they had made into school to share. Thank you to everyone who shared photos and videos of their own Diwali celebrations – you can see some of them below!

Christmas Dinner in School
We will be having our Christmas Dinner day in school on Tuesday 10th December. Please make sure you book in advance if you want your child(ren) to have a Christmas dinner. We will be sending out reminders closer to the time.
End of School Day Pick Up
If you pick up children from both Reception/KS1 and KS2, can you please make sure that you keep your younger children with you whilst waiting for your older children to come out. Young children running around the playground whilst you are waiting could cause some accidents. We have had a couple of instances of this already. Thank you for your understanding.
New Website: Childcare
The DfE have launched a new site for parents: Check you’re eligible for free childcare if you’re working. There is also a childcare account that parents must log into every three months to ensure they get free childcare if they are working or for Tax-Free Childcare.

“I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live”
Ecclesiastes 3:12
Admissions Consultation
Admission authorities are required to consult on proposed changes to their admission arrangements every 7 years. Elements trust is the admissions authority and we have selected to use the Dudley model policy for all schools. Our admissions policy is not changing, but you may wish to have a look at it here.
The consultation will run until 23rd December 2024 – any objections should be sent direct to school.
SIAMS Report
We sent out our SIAMS report last week. We are really proud of it! Should you wish to read it, and find out more about SIAMS, you can see it here.
Whole School – 96.04%
Year 3 – 96.96%
Year 5 – 96.92%
Year 6 – 96.67%
Year 4 – 96.35%
Year 1 – 96.12%
Year 2 – 95.96%
Reception – 92.9%

Well done Year 3 – this week’s attendance winners!
Acorns Hospice
This week we had a visit from Claire, who works at Acorns Hospice, to talk to children about the work they do supporting children and families. Acorns is the charity that the children are supporting at the moment, and they raised £259.22 from the collection last week!

Happy News
The latest issue of Happy News can be found here.
Harvest Foodbank Collection – THANK YOU

Book Review
Our book review this week comes from Judyta in Year 6 – sounds like a good book!

Take Care and Stay Safe
Mr Dunn