Happy Friday everyone…no newsletter last week so lots in this one to share with you. Thank you to everyone who responded to the questionnaire about the newsletter…we’ll try and include more of what you asked for over the coming weeks. Don’t forget it’s our Easter EGG-STRAVAGANZA tomorrow starting at 10:00am…see you there!
Free MMR Vaccine Pop-Up Clinics in March
Measles is spreading fast. To protect residents, free measles, mumps and rubella vaccine clinics are taking place across the borough every Saturday in March. Two doses of the MMR vaccine provide lifelong protection against measles, mumps and rubella.
Who can attend? The vaccine is available to children aged from three years and four months old up to people born from 1970. Parents and carers are encouraged to take their children to have their first or second MMR jab and get themselves up-to-date at the same time. Anyone who isn’t sure if they or their children have already had both of their vaccines can check their child’s red book (personal child health record), check the NHS app, or contact their GP practice.
People can attend if they are registered with any GP practice or not.
Is a pork-free vaccine available? Yes. A porcine and gelatine-free vaccine is available on request
Do I need to book? Either book through your GP practice, or you can just turn up on the day.
When and where are the clinics?
Saturday 16 March – 9am to 12.30pm – Northway Medical Centre Sedgley DY3 3QY. 9am to 4pm – Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre DY5 1RU. 10am to 2.30pm – Dudley Town Centre, by the fountain DY1 1PN.
Saturday 23 March – 9am to 12.30pm – Castle Meadows Surgery, Milking Bank DY1 2TY. 9am to 4pm – Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre DY5 1RU. 10am to 2.30pm – Halesowen Town Centre, Lower Somers Square B63 3AE.
Saturday 30 March – 9am to 12.30pm – Bath Street Medical Centre, Sedgley DY3 1LS. 9am to 4pm – Brierley Hill Health and Social Care Centre DY5 1RU. 10am to 2.30pm – Lye High Street, by the war memorial, outside Christ Church DY9 8LQ.
Easter Tennis Camp
For details of a tennis camp running over the Easter holidays, please click here.
Hannah Flitton Half Marathon Update
I started Mother’s Day off doing something I love 😊🏃🏻♀️ As I came towards the end of the run, I met this mammoth puddle so did I go through it or round it…… the decision was easy – round it, I didn’t want a Vicar of Dibley moment 😂 Another 15k run in the bag!
Link to donate: https://gofund.me/3317d018

Happy News
More news stories this week, including the UK’s oldest footballer! Click here to see more.
Red Nose Day
Thank you to everyone who has supported our fundraising for Comic Relief…if you haven’t donated yet, there’s still time through the link here. So far we have raised £362.00! Smashed the target – thank you!

“In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ”
Acts 20:35
World Book Day
We had lots of fun on World Book Day last week. There are a couple of photos below. If you want to challenge yourselves to the KS2 book quiz, you can access that here. Can you beat your child?! There are some book reviews from Year 2 to have a look at too.

School Lunches – Cash Only
A reminder that from Friday 22nd March, the school kitchen will no longer be accepting cash to pay for school lunches. All lunches must be ordered in advance and paid for through ParentPay. Thank you.
Yr 3 Violins at Symphony Hall
Last Sunday, lots of children from Year 3 went to play their violins at the Symphony Hall. We’ve had lots of positive feedback and it was a great experience for all involved. Thank you to everyone who gave their time to go along.
Forest Church
I shall be hosting Forest Church on 21st April in forest school.
It is a free event and open to everyone, however booking is essential.
Those who are on the mailing list for church will have priority booking which opens on 15th March and is then opened up to everyone from 22nd March. Details on how to book are on the flyer here.
Please email churchoffice@stpeterspedmore.org to be added to their mailing list.
I hope to see lots of families there.
Many thanks
Ruth Hill
Mrs Bird Leaving
Mrs Bird is leaving Pedmore at Easter. She has served Pedmore and its families for over 20 years and is going to a well-earned retirement. If you would like to donate to her leaving gift, please come into the school office. thank you.
Whole School – 92.8%
Reception – 88%
Year 1 – 97%
Year 2 – 86.13%
Year 3 – 98.48%
Year 4 – 93.64%
Year 5 – 94.24%
Year 6 – 90.91%
We thought it may be useful to remind everyone what some of the acronyms and vocabulary around safeguarding are. Please see these here. If you require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact school.
DSL: Designated Safeguarding Lead
MASH: Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub
CP: Child Protection
CiN: Child in Need
CEOP: Child Exploitation and On-Line Protection Centre
KCSIE: Keeping Children Safe in Education
PREVENT: Part of the Government’s Counter-Terrorism Strategy to stop people being drawn in to extremism
CAMHs: Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services
SEND: Special Educational Needs & Disabilities
Take Care & Stay Safe
Mr Dunn